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This is our Capital-to-Capital Testimonials  page.   Here you will meet and read from our participants - cyclists, support crews and the organizers why Capital-to-Capital Two in June 2025 is so important to each.


"I participated in C2C One in 2016 and returned home bruised and tired but forever changed for the better.  It is eight years later and it's wonderful to see that riders and support crew are keen to create this journey again!"

Norm  C2C organizer and founder of The Human Behind The Responder

For me..I HAVE to get Healthy again.

I need to find my True self.

I have been in a fog trying to please others for so long I have lost myself; I lost Joy; I lost Engagement; I became isolated and judgmental.

I NEED to change or lose myself forever.

Everyday is a challenge but it is getting easier and more natural, however; it IS work.

WHEN I participate in C2C-Two I hope I have recovered enough to share my journey.

Patrick Medic\Fire South Portland, Maine

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